Dr. Lee Ozaeta

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Dr. Lee Ozaeta, MD

NPI: 1073690277

I was a patient of Dr. Lee Ozaeta.

I built this website to share my story
about Dr. Lee Ozaeta and his practice.

This website will not tell you whether you should choose Dr. Ozaeta as your doctor or not.

It will simply tell you what happened
with Dr. Lee Ozaeta, my family, and I.

My Story

The following occurred in July 2020
over the span of ~1 week.
At this time, Dr. Lee Ozaeta was working out of
the Kaiser Permanente Daly City Medical Offices.

My Father and I both had Dr. Lee Ozaeta as our primary care physician. My Dad was experiencing some concerning symptoms. He had a chronic cough and had some chest pains. But my Dad was the type to push through any pain. I told my Dad I was worried about his health and had him email Dr. Lee Ozaeta.

I had a feeling my Dad wouldn't tell Dr. Ozaeta the full story about his symptoms. So, I emailed Dr. Ozaeta as well, expressing my concern about my Father's health. I asked Dr. Ozaeta specifically to bring my Dad in for a physical, in-person check up.

Instead of bringing my Dad in for an examination, like what would be indicated as a caring, competent physician, Dr. Lee Ozaeta prescribed medications over email correspondence. Dr. Ozaeta didn't even give my Dad so much as a phone call to find out what was wrong.

I was hoping that with my email on top of my Dad's, it would show enough concern to Dr. Lee Ozaeta to physically examine my Dad. Unfortunately, my email and my dad's email did not show enough concern to Dr. Lee Ozaeta and he deemed it unnecessary to have my Dad examined. My Dad, trusting Dr. Lee Ozaeta, picked up the prescribed medicine from the pharmacy.

My Father passed two days later from a heart attack.